District 9


Debbie Ross

District Chair and State Committee Regular Member

Oakland County Resident

Larry Leipprandt

District Vice Chair, State Committee Ex-Officio Member & Huron County Republican Party Chairman

Born into a farming family in Huron County, I was fortunate to grow up in a small town in a free country.

My parents had many exchange students living in our home, so I had a lot of exposure to the world even as a child. I joined the US Navy to see the world and it delivered. I traveled to 6 countries and came to see how much tyranny people are under around the world. I was promoted to Flight Deck Troubleshooter Supervisor on my second deployment where I learned about how to lead through teamwork.
After my honorable discharge from the Navy, I worked for Martin Marietta Denver Aerospace and became Supervisor of Quality Control and Director of the Peacekeeper Program. Since then I have worked in construction and owned my own company for many years building many things from golf courses to homes.
I was fortunate to grow up in America and live as a free person with rights protected by our constitution, but those rights are quickly being eroded by politicians and globalists. I am privileged to join my fellow citizens in the MI GOP District 9 to support the efforts of conservatives in Michigan to protect our constitutional rights and reclaim our state and our country from those trying to take down this once great nation.

Barry Doherty

District Treasurer & State Committee Regular Member

Oakland County Resident

Barry and his wife Cheryl are passionate patriot delegates from Brandon Township.  As constitutional conservatives they are particularly dedicated to our faith in Christ, pro-life, 2nd Amendment and election integrity.   He has been a member of the Knights of Columbus serving as Treasurer for nearly 25 years, board president for Mary’s Mantle, a Catholic home for homeless pregnant women in Southfield and treasurer for the Bravehearts a Christian men’s ministry.

Politically Barry has served as precinct delegate in both Orion Township and Brandon Township.  Worked on both former Representative John Reilly’s and current Representative Josh Schriver’s successful campaigns. He has also been a trained poll challenger in 2020 and 2022 in Detroit. Hosts the Facebook page Michigan Voice.


Carol Winn

district Secretary

Lapeer County ResidenT

1 Thessalonians 4 speaks of living a quiet life and minding your own business.

It encourages working with your hands so that a person may win the respect of others and be dependent on no one. These verses have directed my life so that when I have presented myself in the public square, I would not be concerned about gaining respect.
Unfortunately, in these times, living a quiet life is impossible. Words must be backed by activism to preserve our republic. Opportunities to serve in my community include serving on the Board of Education for LakeVille Community Schools, Marathon Township Planning Commission, Lapeer County Mental Health Board and on many committees related to these organizations. 

State Committee Regular Member

Phil O'Halloran

State Committee regular Member

Phil O’Halloran is a passionate Michigander and Republican activist who has dedicated his life to protecting the integrity of elections and defending the US Constitution. With over two decades of experience as an emergency physician, Phil has been on the front lines of healthcare, providing urgent and family care to his community.

In November 2020, Phil served as a poll challenger at the Detroit TCF Center, where he witnessed first hand numerous election law violations. He testified before the Michigan Senate Government Operations Committee and became a co-plaintiff with the Trump Campaign in a lawsuit to prevent the certification of Wayne County.

Phil is a founding member of Michigan Citizens for Election Integrity (MC4EI.com), an organization that advocates for fair and transparent elections. He wrote a 60-page deep dive investigation into the TCF debacle called the “TCF Timeline” and helped design and run the first ever Hand Count Audit at the GOP State Convention in April.

Phil is also known for his media analysis and reporting on the 2020 Drop Box videos showing ballot harvesting. He credentialed challengers in 83 counties and trained/led them in the 2022 Primary and Midterms.

In addition to his political activism, Phil is a devoted family man and parishioner at St. Joseph. He and his wife have two daughters, and Phil has owned and operated an Urgent/Family Care clinic for 15 years.

Phil’s commitment to fighting for the American people and their families led him to co-found the War Room in Lake Orion in support of grassroots efforts in the Fall of 2022. He also served as the Lead plaintiff in O’Halloran v. Benson, October 2022 which achieved victory in the Court of Claims. After the SOS request for temporary stay was denied by the Court of Appeals it was granted by the Michigan Supreme Court.

The case is still under appeal by the Secretary of State.

Phill O’Halloran is a Michigan First, America First, MAGA, pro-LifeRepublican who defends the US Constitution and is fightinghard for you and your family.

State Committee Regular Member

Julie Rudd is a recently elected District 9 State Executive Committeeman for the Michigan Republican Party as well as a Precinct Delegate in Emmett Township and the newly elected Treasurer for the St Clair County Republican Committee. She has worked 30 years in municipal finance and for half of her career she served as CFO for two municipalities with annual budgets 

exceeding $100 million. For twenty-five years, she earned national awards for excellence in financial reporting and distinguished budgeting. Julie has a Bachelor of Science in Accounting from Oakland University and a Master of Science in Taxation from Walsh College. She has lived in the current District 9 nearly all of her life.Her favs are gardening, researching herbalism, her horses, and liberty.


State Committee Regular Member

I have a love for water,  faith,  and family.  I am here serving in the 9th District to invest in preserving freedom for my family and yours.

Lori Skibo

State Committee Regular Member

Committed to advancing the conservative movement and bolstering the Michigan Republican Party, Lori maintains unwavering beliefs in the values of freedom, economic prosperity, and the inalienable rights bestowed by God.

In her role as an activist, Lori seizes a distinctive opportunity to champion her convictions and ensure the Republican Party remains aligned with its fundamental principles. Addressing audiences publicly, she often discusses the events surrounding the 2020 election. Lori remains resolute in her dedication to conservative ideals, urging others to persevere and stressing the importance of sustained political engagement and advocacy for righteousness.

Recognizing the potential for positive transformation, Lori advocates for constructive involvement within the party and other non-profit organizations, emphasizing their role in shaping a brighter future. Through active participation in political discourse, she actively contributes to the preservation and progression of conservative values.

District Committee Member

Oakland County Resident


District Committee Member

I am a mother, grandmother, patriot, Christian. I enjoy many kinds of crafts and reading and Bible studies.

I’m excited to be involved in grassroots politics and look for others, who share that passion. I hope you will enjoy reading the bios of the team, and I thank you for having a look!

District Committee Member

District Committee Member

District Committee Member

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district Committee Member

District Committee Member

If you had asked me 10 years ago what I thought about politics, I would have told you that they were

not my thing, and I did not want to be involved. I was blind to the corruption and bad practices and thought that everything was “OK.” In 2020, my eyes were opened. With everything that was happening, I kept asking myself, “Why isn’t anyone doing anything to stop this?” At that point, I knew that I could no longer sit idle and wait for someone to come save the day. I knew I had to get involved. Since then, I have become an Election Poll Worker, a Precinct Delegate, and now a member of the Michigan 9th District Executive Committee. I have been inspired by the grassroots organizations that are coming together in our state, and I am proud to be working alongside those hardworking people to make sure that the voice of the people is heard. I hope to be an inspiration for others to get involved so that we can take back our state together. Outside of politics, I enjoy cooking from scratch and spending time sharing a meal with family and friends. I also appreciate and enjoy a nice meal out, especially when I’m on vacation. I love gardening and preserving my harvest – it is hard work, but it is extremely rewarding. Boating season is my favorite time of year. In my opinion, there is no place more relaxing than being on a boat, soaking up the sun. But that’s just a little bit about me. If you would like to know more, please feel free to reach out.

District Committee Member

Dan Bowe Vietnam Vet _ Retired Law Enforcement (1)

District Committee Member

We are seeking to have Americans join District 9 in ‘Peacefully’ taking back our Counties; State and Country….for our Children & Grandchildren….Let’s get to Work!

Vietnam Veteran / Retired Law Enforcement

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