15 Steps to

Winning Elections

Can we do this?

It’s clear to any Republican who’s paying attention that Michigan conservatives are facing extreme political danger. It’s time to adopt the required sense of urgency. The lawless Democrat Party's outright control of the Executive and Legislative branches of government and what amounts to effective control of the Judicial branch, when combined with the passage of Proposal 2 and it's crippling of election integrity, leave only a narrow path to victory in the foreseeable future. But we can and must find and follow that path.

With our newly-elected state party leadership poised to restore trust, it’s time to re-engage the grassroots, America First base to reassure them (YOU!) that they are about to regain empowerment. But with empowerment comes responsibility. We have to deliver VICTORY. And the only way to defeat the entrenched and emboldened Democrats is to have a winning strategy and to execute it with precision! Next, we list 15 steps to WINNING elections.

Yes We Can!

Pay your $50 to fund D-9.
Are you passionate about conservative values and principles? Do you want to make a real difference in the political landscape of your community and beyond? Then please realize that it costs MONEY and then make a donation! By giving just $50, you’ll be taking the first step toward supporting the candidates and causes that align with your beliefs, and plugging into our strategic method of winning elections for patriots. But that’s not all – as a district donor, you’ll also get first access to events and resources that will help you stay informed about political developments and to become more engaged in the political process. And with District 9 Leadership at the helm, you can rest assured that your donation will be put to good use – providing you with the tools, resources, and engagement you need to help win elections for patriots! So don’t wait – join District 9 today and help make a difference in the future of Michigan!

Sign up right now by clicking the SIGN UP button in the upper right hand corner of this page! We’ll take it from there!

The races are the offices that are being contested in the elections in this election cycle, which started on November 9th, 2022 and will end with the 2024 Election. They range from US Senator right down to precinct delegate or a seat on your local library board.

Your 9th District GOP Team plans to create a veritable “university” for teaching and training of Republicans on how to WIN. Election campaigns are massive undertakings with many facets and an enormous drain on resources. They require volunteers as well as money. And the more knowledgeable the volunteer in specialized areas, the more effective the campaign.

This means every contact you make in your home and business life, you should be viewing as a potential donor. No one likes asking for money but it’s the only way we’re going to win. A cash-strapped party is one that can’t mobilize voters effectively. So be sure you take advantage of every opportunity that presents itself during your day to day routine and especially at social events. Work might be a little touchier but off the clock you can contact like-minded co-workers and ask them if they’d consider donating to the New MIGOP!

This is one of the hardest things a party must do. Recruiting VIABLE candidates is not easy. That’s why it’s important to start looking and talking and researching NOW. It could take months even after you find a good candidate to convince them to throw their hat in the ring. Talk to friends and follow their leads for solid America First, Michigan First candidates. Let us know when you find one!

There are so many ways to contribute to WINNING in an election cycle. Often it is backing a single candidate and volunteering for that campaign. They will put you to WORK. During the campaign cycle you can participate more broadly by spreading the party’s targeted messaging through the forwarding of emails to your own groups, posting on social media platforms like Telegram, Signal, Truth Social, GETTR, FB and Twitter, by going to rallies and protests and by attending the many meetings and strategy sessions necessary to a campaign and party’s success.

How many times have we voted for a Republican candidate, perhaps sent money, maybe even spent time knocking on doors for him or her, only to watch them turn their backs on the very values and principles you supported in their candidacy? This is due partly to these RINO candidate’s duplicity, and partly due to we the voters’ FAILURE to adequately “vette” them. In most cases, if we had done the research – or listened to party members who had – we could have avoided electing imposters, who will use our vote to betray our party platform.

If you are well-informed politically and have the time and energy to devote to serving your community, state and country PLEASE give serious consideration to a run for political office. This can be at the lowest level of precinct delegate, library or school board, county commission, state representative, right up to the US Senate. For those interested in becoming a precinct delegate – the best choice for an entry into politics –  know that in many communities, you will be UNOPPOSED. That’s right, many seats are open for the taking. You simply have to SIGN UP at the local clerk’s office and get a one-page application form notarized. We will help you with any questions about the process. The next PD election is not until August of 2024 so you have time to think about it!

Voter turnout by Republicans in the primaries has been abysmal. In Democrat strongholds like Berkely (35%) and Ferndale (36%) Dem turnout last August was several percentage points higher than in places like Orion Township (28%) and Groveland (28%). Huntington Woods, a major Dem community, turned out with a whopping 50% of voters showing up in the primary. We all know that some Dems vote Republican in the primary and it’s not hard to imagine why this helps the less conservative GOP candidate. It’s a wonder why we are so surprised when we “win” in November, only to find we elected a RINO. If our side had simply turned out with a few more percentage points in August, we could have elected a rock-ribbed, dyed-in-the-wool conservative patriot. We can do BETTER. And that’s where YOU come in! We have to build excitement and AWARENESS in GOP voters that the primary is at least as important as the general election, since that’s where we have traditionally lost the ball game – even in red counties.

As Kristina Karamo says, we need to create a culture of election security. This is security that is built one election at a time based on a broad commitment to election security by our precinct delegates and dedicated citizen volunteers. We will set you up with challenger and poll worker training brought to you by D-9’s own experienced team of election integrity champions, currently in leadership roles at the state level.

As discussed in #10 above, the PRIMARY is now the “primary” area of focus for the New 9th District. We must carry our strong, true conservatives across the finish line. Consider joining a campaign of one of these champions of the Constitution and help them win! At the 9th District we will be endorsing and fully supporting the primary candidate of our choice – which means a solid conservative, AF patriot who will stand up to the remorseless Democrat assault that seeks to alter our way of life in a way that few would have considered possible just a few short years ago.

Joining the campaign of someone you really believe in might be THE best way you can participate to help Michigan and the United States win this epic battle.  Local conservative business owners in your area should be encouraged to donate office space for this very worthy cause.

This is when your training as challenger or poll worker pays off and you become a poll worker or challenger in the election. The training programs for challengers are always improving and we believe under the MRP’s new continuing education program known as Election Security Operations, you will be prepared for anything. Poll workers will continue to get trained up by their county clerks but with close support from the Michigan Republican Party.

Work with the GOP’s Get Out the Vote teams on Election Day to call registered Republicans and encourage them to get out and VOTE! This a very effective practice, but it requires volunteers. You can also help by holding up Republican candidates’ signs and talking to the voters on their way into the voting precincts. These activities and others will help you to WIN BIG on Election Day!

Well, there’s our 15 Steps to victory. Will you take the first step? That first step is to sign up and join the ranks of MAGA, GOP conservatives and America First patriots to help spread their shared message of support for the Republican Party Platform as THE most effective method of preserving freedom through a return to limited government under the U.S. Constitution.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil, is for good men to do nothing”
Edmund Burke

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